
Army No
Battalion12th & 3rd
Date Of WoundsNot set
Died Killed1917-08-10
Death DetailsKilled in action, Westhoek, Belgium.
Enlisted Date1914-09-14
Enlisted LocationRutherglen
Date Of Birth1885-11-04
Birth PlaceGarelochhead, Argyllshire.
DischargedNot set
Theatre Of WarFrance
Date Of Entry1916-03-14
Z Class
Surname Spellings
Other InfoDied age 34. Killed at Zillebeke during the Battle of Passchendaele on the 10th August 1917. His battalion were in reserve but were ordered forward to attack and capture Westhoek. Son of Dr. Robert Greenhill, of 1 Rodger Drive, Rutherglen, Glasgow. He was granted a commission in the 12th Worcestershire Regiment on the 14th May 1915. He is commemorated at the YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - Panel 34. M.C. London Gazette 3 June 1917: ‘For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a raid upon enemy trenches. Finding his party suddenly attacked by a machine gun, he attacked it with bombs down the flank and front, putting it out of action and saving his company from many casualties.’ This action is described in some detail in The Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War: ‘Trench Raid - At 10.45 p.m. on the 2nd June. The attacking party left our trenches and lay down in the open. Five minutes later the British guns opened an intense fire, and the raiders dashed forward, there was but little opposition. The raiders easily cleared the front trench, made their way down “Nutmeg Avenue” and bombed up and down “Nutmeg Support”. A German machine-gun came into action and opened fire. 2nd Lieutenant C. Greenhill attacked it single-handed from the flank with bombs, drove away the crew and captured the weapon. After a hectic nineteen minutes the raiders withdrew, ran the gauntlet of the enemy’s barrage on our front line, and regained safety, bringing with them 12 prisoners.’ Lieutenant Campbell Greenhill was killed in action, along with 10 men of the 3rd Worcesters, during the capture of Westhoek on 10th August 1917.


Lowland Division of the Royal Engineers 124 Driver
Royal Engineers 2838 Driver
12th Worcestershire Regiment - Second Lieutenant
3rd Worcestershire Regiment - Second Lieutenant

Service Awards

The British War Medal
The Allied Victory Medal

Gallantry Awards & Honors

Military CrossLieut.3rd2nd/3rd June 1917 Wulverghem1917-06-03

Foreign Decorations & Awards

No results found.

Royal Flying Corps

Rfc Number
Battalion Before
Entry Rank